Board game selector

This was my capstone project for LaunchCode101.

It takes a collection of board games (with associated mechanics) and compares it against the players (with associated disliked michanics) who will be attending a game night. Then any games that have a 'disliked mechanic' are removed from the list, and you get a list of games that should work well for the players who will be attending.

Currently this is written in Java and connects to a MySQL database. I plan to re-write this in JavaScript so that it is easier to use/demonstrate.

Main Page

This is the front page, unless you need to add players, games, or mechanics to the database this is the only page you need. From here just select the owner of the collection and the players who will be attending the event
In the second image I've checked the boxes necessary to go through my collection against the dislikes of the two players.
In the final image we have the results from the collection in the database. In this case there was a Cooperative game filtered from the results since one of the players doesn't like that mechanic.


These are the pages for mechanics, the first one is an index of all mechanics in the database, ready to be assigned to games and players as needed.
The next two pages are for adding mechanics to or removing them from the from the database.


Now to the the pages for players, the first one is an index page. There are also add and remove pages like with mechanics, I'm not going to add images of that here as they are the same layout as those pages
In the second image you can view an individual player and see associated owned games and disliked mechanics.
The final image is the edit player page, where you edit their disliked mechanics.


For the games pages there is an index (shown) as well as add and remove pages, which are the same as the others.
In the second image you can view an individual game and see associated owners and game mechanics
The final image is the edit game page, where you edit their mechanics and who owns it.